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Hi there!

I'm Lauren, and I'm a native Chicagoan, sparkling water enthusiast, avid gardener, and believer that everyone has a creative fiber in them.

I hail from a fine art background and have broad experience under the Branding, Art Direction, Styling, and Graphic Design umbrellas. I love getting in the groove and putting in what it takes to get a great result. ...and if I'm asked to do something I don't know how to do, my response is usually, "Hang on, I'll figure it out!" Notable clients include Arc XP, Banhez Mezcal, Cocktail Courier, Heidenhain US, Kasama, Mazars US, and the Jayco RV family of companies.

Currently, I'm employed full-time as an Art Director at an independent marketing agency in Chicago. Outside of work I enjoy being... outside. My seed collection is constantly growing and regenerative agriculture fascinates me. Gardens are living sculptures, after all!

Wanna work together or just chat about Monty Don? Get in touch!

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